MPF Records 5% YTD Loss

Hong Kong equity MPFs struggled to keep up recovery momentum, becoming February’s worst performers.  

Kate Lin 08 March, 2022 | 10:57
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Mandatory Provident Funds averaged a loss of 2.0% in February, which led the year-to-date loss of Hong Kong workers’ pensions to deepen to 4.7%.

MPFs investing in Hong Kong equity, which endured a 14.2% correction in 2021, saw a robust start in the new year. The asset class, which consists of 47 active and passive products, held up relatively well in January, as most other asset classes recorded bigger losses. But the group was unable to keep up the momentum to recoup losses from last year’s correction. The group’s February performance again entered the negative territory and it was the worst performer, dropping almost 4% on average. During the period, the poorest performer for the category (and the whole MPF universe) was Principal Simple Plan-Dynamic HK Eq, which slid 4.8%.

However, the single fund that recorded the largest loss of the month was AMTD Invesco Europe. The European equity fund, which carries an one-star rating, fell 5.2% in February in the midst of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Bottom 10 Funds


Morningstar Category

Morningstar Rating Overall

1-Month Return

AMTD Invesco Europe

HK MPF Europe Equity



Principal Simple Plan-Dynamic HK Eq

HK MPF Hong Kong Equity



Principal Smart Plan-Dynamic HK Eq

HK MPF Hong Kong Equity



BOC-Pru Easy Choice CSI HK 100 Tracker

HK MPF Hong Kong Equity



BCOM HSI Tracking (CF) Fund

HK MPF Hong Kong Equity



AIA MPF - PVC Hong Kong and China

HK MPF China & Greater China Equity



Hang Seng MPF-ST Plus-HSI Tracking

HK MPF Hong Kong Equity



HSBC MPF-ST Plus-HSI Tracking

HK MPF Hong Kong Equity



BEA (VS) Hong Kong Tracker

HK MPF Hong Kong Equity



Fidelity RMT-Hong Kong Tracker

HK MPF Hong Kong Equity




Bottom 5 MPF Category

Average 1-Month Return

HK MPF Hong Kong Equity


HK MPF China & Greater China Equity


HK MPF Europe Equity


HK MPF US Equity


HK MPF Target Date



Turning to the top funds, products that invest with lower risk exposure became February’s winners. Nine of the top ten performers were money market funds, with most of them investing in instruments denominated in Hong Kong dollar and Renminbi.


Morningstar Category

Morningstar Rating Overall

1-Month Return

BEA (MTS) RMB & HKD Money Market

HK MPF Other Money Market



My Choice RMB & HKD Money Market Fund

HK MPF Other Money Market



BOC-Pru Easy Choice RMB & HKD Money Mkt

HK MPF Other Money Market



BEA (IS) RMB & HKD Money Market

HK MPF Other Money Market



Schroder MPF RMB and HKD Fixed Inc B

HK MPF China Bond



Allianz RMB Money Market – T

HK MPF Other Money Market



Allianz RMB Money Market – A

HK MPF Other Money Market



Allianz RMB Money Market – B

HK MPF Other Money Market



Sun Life MPF RMB & HKD B

HK MPF Other Money Market



Sun Life MPF RMB & HKD A

HK MPF Other Money Market




The best categories in terms of performance were dominated by lower-risk options. Other than money-market funds, China, Hong Kong dollar, and Asia bond funds posted a return near zero.

MPF Category

Average 1-Month Return

HK MPF Other Money Market


HK MPF China Bond


HK MPF HKD Money Market




HK MPF Asia Bond



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About Author

Kate Lin

Kate Lin  is a Data Journalist for Morningstar Asia, and is based in Hong Kong

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